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[registrars] Conflict of Interest Declaration

	According to section 4.6 of the new bylaws, I am hereby filing a potential Conflict of Interest.declararation prior to the commencement of the election process.
			One requirement is to announce that I have "not been in possession of any Registry Proprietary or Sensitive Information during the 12 months prior to the announcement of any election."  Although I had worked on the RegistryPro agreements with ICANN in 2000 to mid-2001, I have not worked for the .pro registry in any manner since then.   Additionally last May to September, I worked on Register.com's Registry Advantage division, which supplied back end services to ccTLD registries.  In that position, I did not have access to Registry Proprietary or Sensitive Information, nor did I deal with any gTLD matters.

			Another requirement is to disclose any conflict of interest, including contracts of employment or personal services to a Member, any member of another ICANN Constituency, or other Observer to the Constituency.  Such positions shall include, but not be limited to:  officer, director, consultant, or employee."  I am Director of Policy for Register.com, a member of the constituency.  Prior to accepting the nomination for the Constituency Chair, I made sure that Register.com would accept my taking on the position and its responsibility for fair, transparent representation of the constituency, rather than any one member, in this role.  I would clearly separate my work for the company from my duties as Chair and clearly segregate and label my communications and actions, to avoid any confusion or appearance of conflict.  For example, in chairing meetings or calls of the constituency or representing it at ICANN or other similar venues, I would not represent Register.com, but only the constituency.

Elana Broitman
575 Eighth Avenue
New York, NY 10018
Phone (212) 798-9215
Fax   (212) 629-9309

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