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[registrars] Voting Results

Mike Palage  --
Bruce Beckwith --
Patrick Mevzek --
Thomas Moerz --
Bruno Piarulli --
Christophe Wolfhugel --
Bruce Tonkin  --
Paul Stahura -- Abstain
Mike Brown -- Abstain
Per Anders Hurtigh -- Abstain
Tim Ruiz -- Abstain
John Wong -- Abstain
Scott Hemphill -- Grote, Henning
Steinar Grøtterød -- Grote, Henning
Tom Keller -- Grote, Henning
Thomas D'Alleva -- Grote, Henning
Siegfried Langenbach -- Grote, Henning
Dierstein Mathieu -- Grote, Henning
Robert Connelly -- Grote, Henning
Gretchen Olive -- Grote, Henning
Marcus Faure -- Grote, Henning
Andreas Rehn -- Grote, Henning
Rick Wesson -- Noss, Elliot
Christopher Kruk -- Noss, Elliot
Paul Westley -- Noss, Elliot
Donny Simonton -- Noss, Elliot
Nikolaj Nyholm -- Noss, Elliot
Rob Hall -- Noss, Elliot
Clint Page -- Noss, Elliot
Joyce Lin -- Noss, Elliot
Elana Broitman -- Noss, Elliot
J.P. Vazquez -- Noss, Elliot
Ross Rader -- Noss, Elliot

Computer System Elliot (11) - Henning (10)

Rick Wesson was unable to add users to this system today to vote because he
was on travel so the following ballot were received via the Registrar Efax

The following registrars have paid their dues but had not yet registered
with the system.

Edmon Chung - Grote, Henning
Margie Milam - Grote, Henning

Fax from paid members Elliot (0) - Henning (2)

The following registrars sent in a ballot but has not yet paid their dues

Eric Brunner-Williams - Noss, Elliot

Jason Hendeles - no vote


If you count current paid members voting - Henning wins (12) to Elliot's
If you count pending members that have not yet paid it is a tie.

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