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[registrars] Paul's Position statement for Technical Officer position

I've also been nominated for the position of 
Technical Officer.
Below is a short statement about my background.

I'm the CEO of eNom, Inc., one of the larger registrars,
with over 550,000 names registered and currently registering names
at a rate of over 1,000 per day.  eNom also provides
name server and email services, with over 300,000
name in our DNS.  As an example of our technical
abilities, our name servers do not use BIND. 
We wrote our own version that uses a relational
database to store zone-file information and that 
overcomes some of the limitations of BIND.
We've also wrote our own version of URL redirection,
email forwarding, whois, and RRP software (not just Verisign,
but .cc and .tv as well, inlcuding international
domain name registrations in com net and org), EPP and other software, 
and have licensed this software to three other ICANN registrars.

I've been involved in the domain name business since
1997 when eNom joined CORE.  I've been to nearly all
of the CORE and ICANN meetings, and plan on attending
all of the future meetings.  I have a technical
background as a software engineer and have advanced
degrees in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University
as well.  Before eNom, I was a Principal in a technical
consulting company and performed engagements with companies
such as General Motors and AT&T wireless. 

I believe I know both the technical and business aspects
of issues relating to the registrar constituency and our businesses.
I will work to help build consensus among us, inform the members,
in plain talk, of all the points of view on technical issues, 
and to advance the will of the group to ICANN.

Paul Stahura
eNom, Inc.

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