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[registrars] Neulevel (.biz) concerns.

We have just received the documentation from the planned .biz rollout 
starting May 14th.  The information we have to do date greatly concerns me.

For the first phase, it appears that we are being reduced to "referral 
partners" for the trademark claim submissions.  The way they are 
structuring this includes such things as

1)  They want us to direct users to their website to fill in the trademark 
application for and the $90 payment.
2)  If we want an alternative to this, we must submit in batches of 100 (of 
course, we get a discount of 10% for our "profit").
3)  This submission process starts in 14 days, and there is no information 
on the communication protocols nor what information we require from our clients
4)  We must show the user on our invoice the $90 cost.  Should we add any 
fees on top of this, they must be shown as a "processing fee" on a separate 
invoice line item.
5)  They are offering these services to registrars whom are not ICANN 

I don't know about the rest of you, but this seems to be flying in the face 
of a typical registrar-registry agreement.  Neulevel seems to be trying to 
deal directly with our clients whenever possible.  In addition, they have 
reduced us to a "referral partner" for at least the preliminary trademark 

Does anyone have any other information on this ?  This registration process 
is supposed to start in 14 days.


Rob Hall                                voice  (613) 768-5100
President                                  fax  (613) 820-0777
Momentous.ca Corp.		
rob@momentous.ca                      www.momentous.ca


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