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RE: [nc-udrp] UDRP Review - Draft Questionnaire

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\uc1\pard\cf1\lang1033\ulnone\f0\fs20 Hi\par
sorry to be late in responding.  I agree with the point that it would be better to explain the issues and then invite comments from people rather than more formal questions.  I am looking at the paper this evening and will email my comments .  I think we may get associations replying or putting in papers in addition to individuals.  FOr example I know that professional bodies representing trade mark owners and complainants will want to have their say.\par
Im happy to look at the Nominet policy.  I already have done that for another project so I just need to find the papers and forward them to you\par
Well done Caroline for getting something on paper - always the hardest step!\par
\pard\li360\cf0\protect\f1\fs16 -----Original Message-----\par
\protect0\pard\protect\fi-1440\li1800\tx1440\b From:\tab\b0 Chicoine, Caroline G. [SMTP:CCHICOINE@thompsoncoburn.com]\par
\b Sent:\tab\b0 01 October 2001 23:29\par
\b To:\tab\b0 'nc-udrp@dnso.org'\par
\b Cc:\tab\b0 'DNSO.Secretariat@dnso.org'\par
\b Subject:\tab\b0 [nc-udrp] UDRP Review - Draft Questionnaire\par
Per my email on Friday, this email is to provide you with a revised schedule\par
(Elisabeth, can you just take these new dates from these email and modify\par
Terms of Reference or do you want me to edit it and send you a revised\par
The June 29-August 14th deadline for creating the questionnaire should be\par
changed to June 29-November 1, 2001.\par
The August 15-September 15 deadline for submitting the questionnaire to the\par
public forum comment should be changed to November 2-December 15.\par
The August 15-October 31 deadline for the Task Force to review results of\par
questionnaire and prepare report should be changed to November 1-January 15\par
The November 1-November 11 deadline for Names Council review should be\par
changed to January 16-February 1.\par
The November 12 deadline for NC to vote on report shall be changed to be \par
the first NC teleconference after Feb 1. (we should have firm date soon)\par
The November 13-December 13 deadline to schedule implementation should be\par
changed to the one month period following the NC's vote.\par
I am also forwarding a copy of a stab I took at a proposed Questionnaire as\par
promised.  Is there anyone on the list that cannot open Word attachments?\par
The questionnaire includes questions based on input the interim committee\par
received to date.  This is just something to get us started.  I have no\par
presumptions that it is the right starting point or that any of it will end\par
up in the final questionnaire so PLEASE do not start shooting the messenger.\par
As the terms of reference mention, there were several topics that we as the\par
interim committee were made of aware of and we may want to structure the\par
questionnaire by subject matter for clarity.  I also think that there will\par
be questions that we only want certain people to answer based on their\par
actual experience with the UDRP (see proposed questions directed to\par
complainant/respondent and panelist/provider).\par
With respect to the earlier emails regarding "UDRPs" used outside the ICANN\par
process, can I recommend that the following people review the policies and\par
identify the differences between them and ICANN's UDRP  (I have chosen the\par
following people because they come from the countries or regions to which\par
these "other" UDRP apply):\par
Canada - Dr. Joelle Thibault\par
United Kingdom (Nominet) - Katrina Burchell\par
Japan - Joon Hyung Hong\par
Chile - Erick Iriarte\par
Can we have a report by next Monday?\par
We should continue to do this for "other" UDRPs as we become aware of them.\par
Welcome to the group and Milton and I look forward to working with all of\par
you over the next month to create the questionnaire.  We apologize for the\par
delay. Again, please be mindful to keep your emails substantive and to the\par
point as a courtesy to us all who I am certain revive numerous emails each\par
day that we must wade through.\par
 <<UDRP Review Questionnaire.DOC>> \par
 << File: UDRP Review Questionnaire.DOC >> \par

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