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[nc-imp] Transfert teleconf

Dear members,

Here are some points i want to discuss and/or just give en "european" opinion

15-In EPP-based TLDs, a Losing Registrar must not refuse to release an “AuthInfo Codes” to the Registrant solely because there a dispute between a Registrant and the Registrar over payment.

Take the case where someone, guilty of fraud,  buys a domain from one registrar, and he asks for the transfer auth-code  from another registrar (after the non-transferable period of 60 days ) He could transfer the domain to another registrar while the payment would be refused and the information probably false.
Remember in France, also Monaco, and certain European countries, one can query a credit card payment after 6 months maximum.

Imaginons que nous ayons un fradeur qui achete un domaine chez un registrar, et qu'il demande le auth-code pour le transferer chez un autre registrar (apres les 60 days de la non-transferable period). Il pourra alors transferer le domaine
chez un autre registrar alors que le payement sera refusé et les informations seront probablement fausses/
Rappellons qu'en france (+ monaco) et certains pays d'europe, on peut contester une facture paye par carte de credit
apres 6 mois maximums.


19- The Task Force notes support for the concept that recommended forms of identity that constitute Reliable Evidence of Authority include:
·       Notarized statement
·       Valid Drivers license
·       Passport
·       Article of Incorporation
·       Military ID
·       State/Government issued ID
·       Birth Certificate


[DNSO SECRETARIAT] I Think it was Elana who raised the problem during the last call - it is true for a French, English, a litle for Spanish and Italian speaking country  to have a document in Chinese or Vietnamese that is not translated and that proves the authenicity of the registrant.  If we would have to translate all these documents by a translator it would waste a lot of time and be costly.  I suggest a passport, id card  at least in English

French :
Elana (peut-etre je me trompe de personne) avait soulevé le probleme durant le conference call des transfert
il est exact que pour un pays qui parle francais, anglais, un peu espagnol, et un peu italien d'avoir un
document en chinois, ou en vietnamien qui ne soit pas traduit et qui prove l'autenticité du registrant.
Si on en venait a traduite tout ces documents par un traducteurs, cela nous ferais perdre enormement de temps
et d'argent, Je propose donc uniquement les documents avec au moins l'anglais. (passeport, id card)




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