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Re: [ga] nominations

See what I said Frank.  They're all nuts.  Now you and I are Richard.
Randy, it's Joe Baptista.  I don't smell like Richard.  Do you need some
proof.  Do you know Richard?  If you know Richard I can prove I'm not him.

Help us out here Randy, don't cause yourself further embarrassment.

I don't know if you can appreciate my position, but your making PCCF the
most watched show in Town.  If it's not Shaw making a twit of himself and
bring attention to us (by default), it you a nice guy with a good
reputation who's playing our fool.  My sponsors, all 20 of them used to
all log into that virtual worlds place and play.  Now they log into PCCF
and read the lists.

Fanego says it's better then a funny soap opera.

I think it's important that the GA know were real.  By making these claims
Randy, your only enforcing Mr. Shaw's liability.  We are not spies.  In
fact I just found out today how to spell it.

So what can I do for you.  What proof do you need from me to satisfy
yourself that I don't smell anything like Richard.

On Sun, 19 Sep 1999, Randy Bush wrote:

> > Something worse than a trial balance is getting raided by the Internal
> > Revenue Agency, but thats never going to happen if the people running the
> > show is the Dept of Commerce, so what else should we do string them up by
> > the thumbs?
> didn't know that was an objective, richard.
> randy