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Re: [ga] ALAC on ccNSO

At 11:34 a.m. 7/05/2003, Karl Auerbach wrote:

>I personally give a lot of credit to the cc assertion that the country
>code operators themselves tend to represent the citizens of their
>respective nations and that obviates the need for a separate user channel
>into ICANN's cc mechanisms.  However, I also tend to be somewhat wary of
>potentially bootstraping/self-supporting kinds of claim.


I agree with the need for the separate user channel into both ICANN's gtld 
and cc mechanisms. But can you elaborate on your  reservation?

How do you see the best way for the users to get representation into the 
"cc mechanism?"
A hundred separate user-efforts for each individual cc management?
Or the CIRA-model or the .uk model as a template?


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