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[ga] the 14th and the 100th and the 200th root server

Verisign has been authorized to move it second root server. But also to 
maintain it as a "bis" at old place, for transition. The 13 root servers 
are now 14. This means that Verisign runs two authoritative root systems, 
so Verisign has become an alt(sic)root. Welcome to the club.

ARIN wants to run many mirrors and RIPE many anycasted root servers. Seems 
pretty good for a system needing, by ICANN commitment to the ICP-3 
religion, to run on 13 machines only and no more.

This way the RIRs want to show the are indepedent from the USG: while 
Versign had to wait, they can freely decide. However they will only do what 
everyone does already (this is the DNS concept): to cache the USG root 
data. Even if they use special mirroring tools or rsync. To save them 
resources I suggest they just put a one month TTL: the 15 K compressed 262 
TLD 686 IP addresss root file is pretty stable, that is when not hacked by 
Jon Postel or by the USG refusing to maintain proper ccTLD IPs). But they 
also participate to the "ICP-3 make believe" and disseminate the USG data, 
supporting ICANN. Question: will their root support an Iraq e-embargo if 
GWB wants it?


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