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Re: [ga] South African .za ccTLD administrator takes drastic action to prevent government takeover

Unless, something went really haywire I thought that the government there now represented the people?

Is this a "blacks cannot run the Internet" problem?

I have read and understand that the government is ill equipped at this time but if they represent the people I have a real hard time with this.

Perhaps some of us here could mediate to find a common ground.

The government at this time is incompetent to run the net there, Lawrie is not representative of the LIC.
(Keep in mind that LIC clearly means both users and those that do not use but benefit therefrom)

So if you have a digital divide between competence and representativeness - what should you do?
If ICANN were competent we may have that problem here!


William X Walsh wrote:


Some excerpts:

The administrator of South Africa's web addresses said on Thursday he
had hidden the key to the country's ".ZA" domain network abroad to
prevent any government interference in access to the Internet.

Lawrie, a South African Internet pioneer who is not paid for
administrating the ZA domain, told Reuters he had taken pre-emptive
action to stop the government from seizing control.

"The storage of the primary zone file that defines and controls the ZA
namespace is now offshore," he said.

Lawrie said he had announced his action to signal to the global
Internet community that the South African domain was secure despite
the controversial legislation scheduled to pass its final
parliamentary hurdle next week.

Best regards,
William X Walsh <william@wxsoft.info>
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