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[ga] New thread - had any problems moving a domain lately?

So have anyone else out there had any problems moving a domain lately from one registrar to another? Are you aware that there are time constraints for the successful movement  of a domain from one registrant to another. And has any one noticed the concept that domains are locked for a period of 60 days prior to their expiry. That's right - you cannot move your domain if its closer than 60 days to the expiry which means that YOU MUST  ABANDON 1/6 of your hosting fee as some tribute to the "losing registrar"... in order to move the domain from one provider to another.
It just makes one want to ask - Who's brilliant idea was this and why?
Hell I own my IP, that is the IP of the domain name and the purpose of making it web avaialable is merely the publication and public use of the marque. There is no conveyance of the marque to the Registrar. It is not a joint ownership between me and the Registrar, it is mine and the registrar is acting as the publications agent in this mode.
The problem is that according to the rule, the registrar can neither interfere or mandate a penalty to move this domain to another registrar. Its also key to note that no one should be forced to abandon any portion of the services that they have rightly paid for in order to move their domains.
Likewise there are any member of domains that seem to have blocks preventing their transfer but that should have been cleansed from the whois database some months ago. I myself have several domains I chose to let go inactive on the web, but the markques were still used in print.
Unfortunately this likely means that the Whois process is also broken since it constrains the aggregation of domains into like registrants and we also know that this is not always the case, especially in management service environments.
In any event these are clearly things that need to be changed and post haste.
Todd Glassey

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