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Re: [ga] Slashdot.

Thx, I will translate it. Jfc

On 22:40 06/05/02, Thomas Roessler said:

>Alexander found this.
>>Register to Vote on Rebid of ICANN Contracts
>>The Internet
>>Posted by michael on 02-05-04 19:48 from the no-confidence dept.
>>James Love writes "After a difficult debate, a body within ICANN, the 
>>DNSO "General Assembly," has agreed to hold a vote on whether or not to 
>>ask the US Department of Commerce to rebid its contracts with ICANN. A 
>>rebid would provide an opportunity for the public to reject the current 
>>Lynn/ICANN/Staff/Board proposal for reorganization, and to consider also 
>>alternatives to ICANN, including those that would be more accountable, 
>>less coercive and considerably less ambitious in terms of exercising 
>>control over the Internet. It appears as though this vote will be held 
>>the week of May 13-17. The ICANN DNSO General Assembly has historically 
>>been a forum for talking about ICANN issues, but it has no actual power, 
>>and rarely permits votes on substantive issue. Indeed, since its 
>>creation, there have been only 11 votes, just two of which involved 
>>policy issues. Anyone can register to vote in these elections, which are 
>>not binding on ICANN, but in this case would be timely and important, and 
>>could persuade the US Department of Commerce to get serious about dealing 
>>with an out of control ICANN. Go here to register to vote." There's a 
>>bunch of debate on this in the list archives of the DNSO mailing list.
>Thomas Roessler                          http://log.does-not-exist.org/
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