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[ga] FYI: Alleged links between WTC attacks and domain names

 Investigators Can Access Internet Domain Data
 By Jeff Johnson
 CNSNews.com Congressional Bureau Chief
 September 20, 2001

 The company that maintains the registry of .com, .org, and .net
 Internet domain names may have information on the identities of
 individuals who registered web addresses that a counter-terrorism
 expert believes may have foretold last Tuesday's terrorist attacks
 on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

 CNSNews.com first reported Wednesday that Dr. Neil Livingstone,
 CEO of Global Options, LLC, a Washington, D.C.-based counter-
 terrorism and investigations company, believed the terrorists
 who orchestrated last week's attacks in New York and Washington,
 or their co-conspirators, may have registered as many as 17
 Internet domain names that could have tipped-off authorities
 as early as last summer.

 Patrick Burns, spokesman for VeriSign, acknowledged that his
 company does archive some of the data on expired registrations,
 though the public does not routinely request such information.

 The VeriSign subsidiary responsible for domain name registrations
 is Network Solutions, Inc. He added that the Internet Corporation
 for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) does not require Network
 Solutions to maintain any records on expired addresses.

 As of late Wednesday, VeriSign would not release either the
 identity of the person or people who registered the domain names,
 or the identity of the company or companies that handled the

 VeriSign is willing to help investigators, according to Burns,
 but does not want to fuel speculation about the domain names on
 Livingstone's list.


 The list of domain names provided to Livingstone by an industry
 insider included:




Best regards,
/// Alexander
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