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[ga] King Philip's Proclamation to the Colony

In the DNSO, policy decisions are voted on by the contractors hired by ICANN 
(the registries and registrars) and by the lobbyists for the special-interest 
groups (constituencies) that can afford to pay for the right to vote... if 
they can no longer afford to pay (like the NonCommercial Constituency) they 
are told that they will forfeit their voting rights.

We commoners, the "public" in "public-benefit corporation", have no voting 
rights whatsoever.  

But... we are told that we are not excluded from DNSO decision-making, 

1.  We can communicate our issues directly to the NC intake committee.  On 27 
February a petition was formally made to the intake committee -- 
http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/nc-intake/Arc00/msg00215.html  This petition, 
even though formally endorsed by almost two dozen members of the Review 
Working Group, was totally ignored by this Committee.   You may review the 
archives to look for any discussion on this petition, but you will find none; 
our reigning Autocrat did not deign to even pretend that he would listen to 
our concerns.

2.  We may avail ourselves of opportunities for full "public comment" after a 
Task Force has already made their recommendations.  Those of us that 
participated in the Review Working Group are well aware of how our comments 
are incorporated by a Task Force -- they are either buried deep in the 
footnotes, totally ignored, filtered or distorted.  The recommendations that 
emerged in the final Review Task Force Report bore no resemblance to the 
views expressed by the majority of participants in the working group.  

3.  We can now appoint a single representative to a Task Force.  Clearly this 
must be the shining example of the long-awaited "improvement on the present 
structure of DNSO working groups!"  Now instead of 80-120 participants of the 
General Assembly involved in substantive discussions within a working group 
environment, our "full participation" is the commentary of a solitary 

We are witnessing an attack on the intent of the ByLaws.  It is the "bodies 
of the GA" that are charged with "carrying out the substantive work of the 
DNSO", not Task Forces appointed by the NC.  These "bodies" shall invite 
"each recognized constituency to participate".   The only role set aside for 
the NC is the "management" of these GA "bodies".  

These issues should be brought to the attention of the Board.   I look 
forward to hearing your thoughts as to when should be the best time to 
forward such concerns.
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