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[ga] [alsc-announce] At-Large Study Committee Outreach Meeting--June 5, 2001

From: <alsc-announce@atlargestudy.org>
To: ALSC Announcement List <alsc-announce@atlargestudy.org>
Date: Fri, 4 May 2001 20:31:45 -0700

Help shape recommendations on ICANN At-Large membership.  Join the At-
Large Study Committee at our Outreach Meeting in Stockholm on Tuesday,
June 5, from 08:30 to 12:30, at the Stockholm International Fairs. The
meeting will feature presentations and discussions of the issues
surrounding individuals' involvement in international organizations.
Check -- <http://www.atlargestudy.org> -- periodically for more 
information and opportunities to contribute to the meeting via the 

EVENT: At-Large Study Committee (ALSC) Outreach Meeting
DATE: Tuesday, June 5
TIME: 08:30 - 12:30
PLACE:  Stockholm International Fairs --

Please join the ALSC for the second in a series of Outreach Meetings we
are holding to solicit input and generate discussions about involving
and representing individual Internet users in ICANN. 

The meeting will include presentations and discussions of the issues
confronting ICANN and other international organizations in their efforts
to involve individuals.  To ensure diversity of views and depth of
analysis on the role of individual Internet users in ICANN and its
decision-making processes, the Committee is examining research on key
issues concerning At-Large membership.  The ALSC has issued a call for
studies -- <http://www.atlargestudy.org/case_studies_ann.shtml> --
requesting research on international membership (including membership
funding) models, international membership discussion and decision-
making models, and international membership representation models. 

Part of our June 5 meeting will be devoted to discussing studies that
contribute to the public's consideration of two critical questions:

1.  What are appropriate mechanisms for input by individual Internet
users throughout the world into ICANN; and

2.  How can individual Internet users' participation be structured to
support ICANN's effective and efficient fulfillment of its specific
technical and administrative missions?

ALSC Chair, Carl Bildt, Internet advisor and former Prime Minister of
Sweden, will lead the meeting.  Additional information about the
meeting, which is being held at the same venue as (and in between) the
ICANN Board meeting and the INET 2001 Conference, will be posted on our

If you are unable to attend, please share your views with us on-line at
-- <http://www.atlargestudy.org/forum.shtml>.  Additional questions and
issues will be posted there for your comment prior to June 5.  You also
may share your views (for public posting) by sending an email to --

We look forward to hearing from you (and meeting some of you in


The At-Large Study Committee: Carl Bildt (Chair), Chuck Costello (Vice
Chair), Pierre Dandjinou, Esther Dyson, Olivier Iteanu, Ching-Yi Liu,
Thomas Niles, Oscar Robles, and Pindar Wong (Vice Chair)

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