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Re: [ga] Alternative roots

At 07:05 AM 4/23/2001 -0500, Bruce James wrote:
>The NC has the Alt. Roots on its agenda:
>5. Alternative roots (Philip Sheppard) 20  mins.
>I would suggest that the GA form an opinion *soon* to advise the NC of our 
>"Let us reason together."

Yes, we need to discover those ideas we agree on and the ideas we disagree 
on.  Discussion of this topic may feel old and tired; but until we've 
achieved our goal - we've got to keep trying!

1)  We do not want to introduce new TLDs into the USG Root that are already 
in use by other Roots.

Avoiding collisions is easy, repairing damage due to collisions is unknown 
and expected to be irreversible & may cause those USG Root servers to be 
unavailable for a few days/weeks in addition to other concerns, like the 
other folks networks that got confused and upset (their ability to do 
business has been intentionally attacked by the ICANN and in the USA at 
least, we are guaranteed the right to do business).  I'm sure everyone has 
had amply opportunity to discover the results of colliding TLDs -- if not, 
please ask Leah or someone more literate to explain it to you...

2)  We do want the USG Root service to create a process for communicating 
and collaborating with the other Root services.

2a) The TLDA seems like the natural choice - they are already making 
progress in this arena - the ICANN should join the TLDA.

I would take it one step further and say the ICANN should work with all 
other Root Services; but understand not everyone agrees with me...


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