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[ga] At the Root of the problem


Thank you for your responses to my request for clarification on whether
non-ICANN roots are in competition with ICANN.  Not one post addressed
the issue directly.

"The DoC obtains an injunction against the derogatorily called alternate
roots, based upon allegations of interference with Interstate Commerce,
FCC joins in the action, six countries tune out the USG root and the EU
is considering action, China is innaccessable on the net, declares
accessing the www illegal."

One heck of a headline!  And there but for the grace of the GA go we.

Pursuant to the new agreement can Verisign host and sell the other
brands?  How about Register.com?

As an officer of the assembly I would expect Mr. Corliss to keep us
posted on any confidential decisions he is privy to regarding boards
which may have an impact on ICANN. Just as I assume he must keep them
posted on NC matters.

When all the White Paper and the MOU were drafted were "other" roots
contemplated as their users being internetstakeholders?  If so we have a
easy solution to many problems. If not then they are out.

Now if ICANN is in competition what about our tax status?

Maybe SS is right we should leave this alone, better to let some place
else deal with it rather than get burned either way we go!


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