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RE: Re[4]: [ga] Call for a Working Group

|> -----Original Message-----
|> On Behalf Of Roeland Meyer
|> Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2001 4:46 PM
|> To: 'dassa@dhs.org'; Ga
|> Subject: RE: Re[4]: [ga] Call for a Working Group
|> > From: Dassa [mailto:dassa@dhs.org]
|> > Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2001 11:12 PM
|> > Yes, anyone can create additions to the name space that
|> > follow the guidelines.  Creating additional TLD's does not.
|> > Hence those people created their own name spaces so they
|> > could create and use their own TLD's.  They opted out of
|> > the legacy system and created their own.
|> > They have no authority within the legacy system and nor
|> > should they.
|> Please supply reasoning to back up this claim.

What claim are you refering to Roeland?  That anyone can create
additions to the name space, this is done all the time with
sub-domains.  That not everyone is allowed to add additional TLD's,
that is an established fact.  ICANN currently has that delegated
power, no one else.  That people created their own name space and
additional TLD's within those name spaces, established fact.  That
they opted out of the legacy system, established fact evidenced by
their creating their own name spaces with TLD's not supported in the
legacy system.  That they have no authority within the legacy system,
established fact.  That they shouldn't have any authority, self
evident as they opted out and have no control over the legacy system.

I can't see what claim you mean or reasoning you require.  The
statement is self evident by looking at the facts behind the

BTW...I have no problem with people creating additional name spaces
and making money off them or doing it as community effort.  If they
can get the visibility necessary to replace the legacy system, good on
them.  They haven't yet and are unlikely to.  So they are in reality,
small players of limited scope compared to the legacy system.
Creating a new name space doesn't give anyone any rights over the
existing name spaces.

Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

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