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Re: [ga] Re: DNS/ICANN understanding

At 15:41 23/08/2000 +0200, Jefsey Morfin wrote:
>Dear Dave,
>1. Candidate filtering
>I thank you for this. This should be rule nr°1 in all the Internet so 
>called "governance".
>At 06:11 23/08/00, you wrote:
>>The ICANN Board is responsible for global policy of DNS (and IP) 
>>administration.  Having experience with a particular registry is, of 
>>course, helpful.  However it tells us nothing about the person's 
>>understanding of large-scale operations, design or policy issues. They 
>>might have great insight or they might not.  We can't tell.
>>An auto mechanic might be quite good at auto repair, but would you 
>>automatically assume that they are good at designing a new automobile, or 
>>even able to suggest engineering changes to existing cars?  And just so 
>>there is no confusion:  the answer to both parts is no.)

otoh, I would trust someone who does not know how a car works with 
designing a new one about as far as I can throw the average car.
If the choice for car designer (technical) is between an auto mechanic and 
a medical doctor, I know what I'd choose, in the absence of other information.

This argument by analogy has probably gone far enough.

(As an IAB member and thus part of the team behind the unique root comment, 
I won't comment on the rest of the message - I don't want to bother trying 
to convince people who *refuse* to understand.)


Harald Tveit Alvestrand, alvestrand@cisco.com
+47 41 44 29 94
Personal email: Harald@Alvestrand.no

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