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Re[4]: [ga] WHOIS policy primer

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Hello L.,

Tuesday, August 27, 2002, 11:44:28 PM, you wrote:

LG> So look up the SOA for the domain (dig) and use the Postmaster
LG> address to reach the domain owner if you need to converse with
LG> him/her.  However, if the domain is being hosted by an ISP, that is
LG> where you need to make contact, not with the domain owner unless you
LG> want to purchase the domain.

Won't work, the address listed in the SOA is generally an
administrator for the DNS server, not the administrator for the
domain.  I am specifically interested in contacting someone from the
organization, not the person managing the DNS server.

>> Examples of times when I have needed to get in touch with a domain
>> owner:
>> 1. Receiving virus infected e-mails from a user of a domain.  Yes, I
>> can /dev/null the e-mails, but I want the account cleaned up -- the
>> ISP is not going to do that, the owner of the domain will.

LG> Not necessarily.  The ISP needs to know about the infected machine.
LG> The domain name holder may have nothing to do with the virus at all
LG> unless it is his personal machine that is infected.  The domain name
LG> has nothing to do with the virus infecting a machine.

Why would the ISP need to know about a virus infected machine?  Once
again, if you really think that is the case, the next time you get a
virus, call your ISP's NOC and tell them.  The domain has everything
to do with the virus, especially in the case of worm/virus hybrids
like Melissa and Klez.  They don't mask the sender, but that mailbox
quickly becomes full -- it needs to be killed.

- --
Allan Liska

Version: 2.6


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