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Re: [ga] At-Large

Karl, the problem I see here in this group is not the lack of desire for change, but the failure to recognize
that ICANN is a "rigged deal".

Folks here still think that if they make a good argument for some policy and if that policy makes
sense as far as the good of the internet goes, then ICANN will adopt it.

People just can't seem to understand that those in power at ICANN are there to further their own
agenda. That agenda is: 1) Maintaining their monopoly control over the most widely used root server
network in the world so that 2) Their for-profit interests (VSGN, Affilias, Neu{Star, Level}) can
continue to have a monopoly on TLD registries by continuing the artificial scarcity of domain names and
3) So that WIPO can continue to MISuse the DNS as a weapon to further its narrow interests.

No brilliant idea will "change their minds". They are not just sitting up there ignoring us because we
haven't had a bright idea yet or because they are skeptical, but because their agenda is not the same
as ours.

Once you come to the realization that they are up to no good by design, then you can only conclude
that there is one solution: Push the rotten edifice off a cliff by demanding a re-bid and lets make sure
we don't let them get away with it the next time.

Their claim that elections would be too difficult is a farce. The real reason is that elections would allow the
PEOPLE to remove the monopolists and other evil-doers from the board. They dont want this.

I've been reading Mueller's book and its sad. The once-free internet has been captured by a small group
of  people for a narrow special interest. Their broader interests are to make it like nothing more than TV -
a place where only a few really have the right to be visible (ie: to speak). IP addresses and Domain Names
are supposed to be managed for the benefit of all, but they are being managed to exclude as many people
as possible to the benefit of a few monopolists and media giants.

Its coming. Watch out.

In the mean time, you can use the Inclusive Namespace.. We've been here all along and aren't going


----- Original Message -----
From: "Karl Auerbach" <karl@CaveBear.com>
To: "Thomas Roessler" <roessler@does-not-exist.org>
Cc: "Kristy McKee" <k@widgital.com>; "Denise Michel ALSC" <dmichel@atlargestudy.org>; <ga@dnso.org>; "jefsey"
<jefsey@club-internet.fr>; <vb@vitaminic.net>
Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 11:59 AM
Subject: Re: [ga] At-Large

> On Wed, 3 Jul 2002, Thomas Roessler wrote:
> > ...  What she's doing is not about
> > some ideal (like Karl's membership ideas), but about the things
> > which are feasible within the current ICANN framework.
> A fully empowered, fully voting, at-large is quite feasible within ICANN.
> I can spend less than one dollar (US) and buy a share in Worldcom.  And
> that share gives me a right to vote and to obtain an annual statement
> from the company and to have other important rights.  And these rights
> exist as long as I own that share and as long as the company exists.
> If Worldcom - and every other public company - can do this, then so can
> What we have here is a lack of will, not a lack of feasibility.
> --karl--
> --
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