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[ga] Forwarded at the request of Chun Eung Hwi

Dear ncdnhc members,

I am sorry for this short note (maybe, again unilaterally edited and
possibly artificially distorted report) And forgive me to skip Names
Council meeting and morning session of Public Forum things because I
should also have concentrated on my own job as an NC member.

This afternoon, there was very boring debate on insulting words towards
board members between some microphone takers and a few board members.
After that unfruitful chattering, Amadeu asked very substantial question. 

Amadeu : So far as I know it, ALSC and NAIS used to take fundamentally
different approaches to each other. Then, now there seems to be some
"conversion" at the side of NAIS. Is it right?

I could not write here the exact words those NAIS people used for
explaining their position because I am not a scriber. Anyhow, they tried
to explain why they are taking such changed position and almost admit to
Amadeu's thinking. 

Only Alexander Svensen, alternate chair of GA, commented out valuable
words. He emphasized that in any way, some decision should be taken in
Accra regarding at large membership. He said that all proposals for
implementation are put on the table. Now, board should decide something.
"Let's end up this long continuous postponement here. It seems to be
postponed eternally. Please take some decision now." 

I truly respect NAIS members' committed efforts and their valuable
contribution, but quite frankly, their explanation sounded as if it were
the declaration of giving up. Interestingly, when Isumi Aizu explained
NAIS position, Esther Dyson shouted out. "say only YES" (It meant NAIS
fully accept ALSC report's recommendations.)

I am sorry but then I felt that somewhere, at large members are being

At the closing remark, Vint Cerf summarized his feeling. He separated two
elements. One is the value of individual input, and the other is all
things regarding election for at large directors. I cannot remember
correctly what he said but he seems to think that the former could be
seriously considered, but the latter will never come again. Unfortunately,
I was reminded in Bangkok APRICOT2002 meeting held in last week, when I
talked with Stuart Lynn, he said the same thing to me. 

I am sorry for this too much subjective report. But I believe our very
respectable board director - Alejandro Pisanty would report the whole
things more objectively. Thank you in advance!
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