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Re: [ga] WLS reply

Saturday, Saturday, March 09, 2002, 1:19:35 PM, Hugh Blair wrote:

>> -----Original Message-----
>> On Behalf Of Abel Wisman
>> Don prepared this document and I had some input to, based upon all prior
>> discussion, without to much objections we propose to send this document
>> of asap (say tonight) to VGRS.
>> let us know.
>> abel wisman

> I concur totally. Let's get it sent.

Yes, and other GA members should post verbal expressions of support to
validate the document.

Best regards,
William X Walsh <william@wxsoft.info>

"There is no better way to exercise the imagination than the study of
the law. No artist ever interpreted nature as freely as a lawyer
interprets the truth."
-- Jean Giradoux

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