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Re: [ga] Icannatlarge.com - conflict of interest

Thomas Roessler wrote:
> Anyway, why shouldn't a former board member "stand for office" in an

1) it will appear to the public as if nothing's really
changed, that an AtLarge with ex-BoD members is nothing
more than a token gesture etc.
2) all *former* ICANN BoD members were _appointees_ (i.e.
top down), whereas the AtLarge is about "bottom-up"
representation, so it's a little hard to see any of the
past directors as representative of AtLarge
interests/concerns/issues per se
3) all former BoD members were/are responsible for the
current state of affairs and should not be given another
opportunity to meddle with the AtLarge.

I hope these reasons satisfy.


Sotiris Sotiropoulos
	Hermes Network Inc.
	Toronto, Canada

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