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Re: [ga] GA position on the Structure TF report

At 22:31 16/02/02 +1300, DPF wrote:

>To some degree I see it as whether it is better to have 100% of the
>votes of an SO which will probably be ignored 99% of the time or to
>have 13% of the vote of an SO which gets listened to say half the
>Note that regardless of which model is adopted the ALSO would still
>appoint their Board members directly.
>As I said at the beginning feedback is welcome on the options.

At the moment *all* options look bleak.

The only way Individual DN holders will get listened to is by being able to 
give serious input in the DNSO process.
That is where problems come up, are debated and prepared for a policy 
decision by the Board.

This is why the IPC constituency is so dead set against having an IC (or an 
IDNHC)   in the DNSO.
Even *if* the Individuals finally would get their DNSO constituency, they 
have to pay the constituency fee and will still have only 3 votes. The 
balance will still be in favour of the IP and supply-side.

The At Large is a chimera. There will be regional councils that will 
somehow , at some time in the future, cough up a director.
Directors will represent regional interests, whatever they are, not global 
Individual DN holders' interests. At the least , they will be elected on 
the basis of a regional division, not an interest division.
Once seated, a  director  is supposed to look after the interests of the 
*Corporation* , which may restrict him looking after Individual Domain Name 

   This director, unless he also happens to work for a lobbying firm or a 
big company, will be underfunded, possibly ignorant and likely  ignored, 
and unable to influence his fellow Board members during the few yearly 
meetings that the Board has.

By the time issues come to a vote at Board level, decisions will have been 
made (by the staff).
AtLarge directors will simply and brutally be outvoted.


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