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RE: [ga] Webcast of Today's NC Meeting

Unfunded public bids are made all the time. Witness the RFP for ICANN and
the US RFP for the US TLD. Neither are funded. That is a case where the RFP
process is used to solicit volunteerism or philanthropy. It also spells out
where the bidder is allowed to make profits from the event, or not. Yes,
they are more like a joint-venture, but isn't everything?

In short, I agree with Kristy. ICANN should solicit outside the ICANN camp.
I consider Berkman within the ICANN camp, just like Jones-Day.

|> From: Nilda Vany Martinez Grajales [mailto:vany@sdnp.org.pa]
|> Sent: Friday, August 17, 2001 5:47 AM

|> And...by the way Kristy, Berkman Center make an nice job offering the
|> webcasting, realtime scribes, etc, in ICANN meetings.  
|> However, in the last
|> ICANN meeting, they requested $50000.00 from which DNSO had 

|> Go to a public bid:  Regardless how much does cost, in fact 
|> we cannot afford
|> it!    So, why go to a public bid if we cannot pay?
|> Donations and volunteers are always welcome (Bret, thank you for your
|> invaluable help with teleconference recording).

|> Kristy McKee wrote:

|> > The fact that you don't go through an Open-Bid process is 
|> clearly your first mistake.
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