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Re: [ga] Blending Top-down and Bottoms-up

Joop Teernstra wrote:

> Danny and GA members,
> Danny Younger is an elected Chair of this Assembly, not an appointee.
> A posting like the above deserves support, respect for the majority that
> elected Danny and not inane criticism.  I am dismayed at some of the
> postings that I have seen from the last 24 hours.
> I also take seriously the charter of the DNSO that tells me why I am a
> member of this Assembly:
> "The participants in the GA should be individuals who have a
>      knowledge of and an interest in issues pertaining to the areas for
>      which the DNSO has primary responsibility, and who are willing to
>      contribute time, effort and expertise to the work of the DNSO, including
>      work item proposal and development, discussion of work items, draft
>      document preparation, and participation in research and drafting
>      committees and working groups."
> I'll try to be of help, if such an Organizing committee can be formed and
> other appointees are willing to accept the task. But every proposal that
> comes out of such an Organizing Committee must be subjected to a  voting
> process for endorsement or amendments by the other members of the GA.
> Even Karl Auerbach, who has always been consistent in advocating
> accountability, expressed a few days ago how he saw merit in the closed
> character of the BWG (Boston Working Group).
> I too, have experienced the limits of totally open efforts in organizing
> the IDNO. ("bottom-up, the final illusion" I wrote, disillusioned)
> We have elected our Chair in the hope of getting things done. We should now
> close ranks behind him to make it happen.


I believe Joop is making an excellent point here.  I think it's time we stood
behind the Chair and actively bolstered his position.  We can do no less,
especially considering his steadfast and impressive showing in Stockholm.  I
readily accept the appointment, and hope the rest will also.  I urge William
Walsh to reconsider his position and to join myself and any of the others
interested in making meaningful contributions.  I think the time has come to put
aside the invective and get some work done.


Sotiris Sotiropoulos

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