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[ga] re: General Assembly Agenda -- more comments

Additional off-list responses to the question, "what should be the work-item
agenda of the GA?":

the GA would do well to look for ways of expanding/improving its outreach to
GA members and honing the time lines for GA activities to ensure that they
occur in an effective manner.

I would like to see some discussion on a time frame for the introduction of
new gTLD's over and above the seven new ones currently being agreed.  Also I
would like to discuss issues relating to the performance bond with Verisign
and whether this is necessary anymore and whether this is a barrier to entry
for new registrars.  Lastly some discussion on a consistent whois output
which would allow for automatic transfer of domain names between registrars
as currently this is manual process for most registrars.

In my opinion the GA should be concerned with some of these issues:
1) Alternative Roots
2) Public Elections (MAL)
3) Individual's Constituency
4) Development of "Checks and Balances" for the ICANN Board
5) Budget
6) IPv6

I suspect that the issue of forced stakeholder representation and
organizational accountability through individual member driven elections
remains the foundational issue to resolve.  As such, I hope that the VOTE,
may continue to be an agenda item until this issue is satisfactorily

Top of the list should be "How to bring the Internet under representative
international management and control."

the finalization of the gTLD contracts on the agenda of the GA.  In
particular, the new gTLDs that have not finalized contracts - specifically,
.PRO and .NAME.

. the represenation of the Internet Community DNS oriented
     needs by classes (constituencies are probaly over or to be
     quite reviewed) as per my memo ans motions:
      -  existing with enlargement of gTLDs to eny TLDs
      -  support of ccTLDs administration solutions
      -  SMEs to be acknowledged as such (business operations
         represented by heir manager)
      -  IDNH clarification: a real structured proposition with a real
         participant embryo (at least 200 people on a GA linked ML)
       - an Individual User outreach strategy
       - an working group on the DNS market: directory, added
         services, authoritative private root, multi-bind, Walid plug-ins,
         DNS commercial services, Root Services, DNS Secure,
         new galaxies....
       - inclusive name space management (not TLDs... we will go
         nowhere with that short vision of the matter).

2. More market oriented issues.
     - why the iCANN for the end users
     - impact of IPv6 on the DNS
     - increasing divide between the three internets (legal by Louis
       Touton and als, monopolistic by Sclavos and co. and real
       as writen in the Source code by GNU etc...).
     - legal nature of the DN and its natural replacement for TMs.
       Constructive propositions for a smooth transition
     - Electronic Human rigths. To exist, to send, to receive, to
       own and agregate

3. A technical follow-up of the iCANN DNS operations aspects:
     - chief technical position not manned
     - used equipment, transition towards 64bits
     - description of the operations and SSRAC missing reports
     - evolution of the CRADA and of the Plan B M$ 200 alibi
     - data vaulting service to the TLDs
     - IPv6 implementation strategy and risks

4. Follow-up of TLDs and Plan B
     - anti-trust contol
     - organization of the .org devolution process
     - .biz legal situation and NewLevel
     - control of new TLD sunrise and operation periods

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