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[ga] Reply to William

Hello William,

I appreciate the fact that you have such strong opinions about what one
should expect from a real Chair.  It would have been nice to have seen you
vie for this elected position, but I suppose that it is human nature that
some in this world are more comfortable remaining on the sidelines as
critics.  This too is acceptable.  I usually rely on a critic's review when
I decide if a particular restaurant is worth frequenting, or if a movie
warrants being seen.

Over the course of time, one gets to know whether a particular critic is
worth listening to.  I encourage you to continue criticizing whenever you
deem it appropriate to do so.  Only time, and your peers, will judge whether
your criticism is apt or misplaced.

Although you have taken issue with my "agenda", I will certainly endeavor to
continue to promote focused discussions within our new mailing lists (this
is, after all, a good method to coordinate consensus, something that I
believe that you said a Chair should be doing).  I have noted with some
satisfaction that you have availed yourself of the opportunity to post on
the ga-roots list (at least sixteen times by my last count), and I am
pleased to see that you share the opinions of others on the ga-list (that
these are individuals that would prefer to work outside of the framework of
the DNSO on other mailing lists is another matter entirely).

Perhaps you would also like to post your thoughts regarding rules,
procedures and policies to the ga-int list where we can focus upon the
merits of your comments.  Six new lists do provide an opportunity for those
with a proclivity to post often to have their comments noted regularly.  We
have made it possible for you to post your thoughts as often as 35 times a
day (as long as posts are limited to 5 per day per list).  I would have
thought that you would have been appreciative of our efforts to offer you an
increased opportunity for substantive dialogue...

As we move forward towards the Stockholm meeting, we will need to determine
the "agenda" for the GA.  I would like to invite you to share with us your
thoughts on what that agenda should be.  As always, I look forward to your

Best regards,

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