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Re: [ga] Re: iCANN's protection

[massively edited]

On Mon, 16 Apr 2001, Sandy Harris wrote:

> But calling ICANN and DNSO "the USG's Representatives" is at best
> disinginuous.
You're half right.  In law ICANN is the USG's agent.  Or agency.
for details

> The USG does not control all TLDs. Even if we accept your flawed claim that
> the USG controls ICANN, controlling the root and therefore the /allocation/
> of TLDs is a far different thing from "controlling all TLDs".

Again, half right.  Whether or not USG controls ICANN, it clearly controls
the root and thus the allocation of TLDs.  Again, see paper cited above.

		Please visit http://www.icannwatch.org
A. Michael Froomkin   |    Professor of Law    |   froomkin@law.tm
U. Miami School of Law, P.O. Box 248087, Coral Gables, FL 33124 USA
+1 (305) 284-4285  |  +1 (305) 284-6506 (fax)  |  http://www.law.tm
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