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[ga-full] Re: [ga] IDNO list chair election results

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On 19-Feb-2000 Andy Gardner wrote:
>>the constituency for Individual Domain Name Owners
>>http://www.idno.org  (or direct:)
> Exactly. The IDNO doesn't even have it's own web site. It's a redirection
> to your personal hobby horse. That was somethng else the Steering Committee
> wanted to address, but the vote never happened.

I want to single this out also, to show that Joop's intent here is to bolster
his own position and role in this process by using the IDNO as his pulpit. 
IIS, the webserver software that Joop hosts the websites on, FULLY supports
Virtual Hosts, even on the same Internet Address.  Quite simply, THERE IS NO
REASON other than his personal ambitions of wanting the brand the IDNO and Him
as one and the same for this to be a redirect.  The ONLY other possible reason
is that he is totally incompetent and can't get this done, but with all the
technical talent he has had at his disposal since long before he kneecapped the
IDNO, this reason is VERY VERY unlikely.

So even if he was to retain hosting of the site, the site should of been on its
OWN root level virtual server, NOT a subsection site of his little
democracy.org.nz domain.

- --
William X. Walsh <william@dso.net>
DSo Networks  http://dso.net/
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Comment: DSo Networks

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