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[ga-abuse] Re: Please keep IDNO discussions off the main GA list.

At 13:32 21/01/02 +0100, Thomas Roessler wrote:
>may I suggest that all of you just keep your various disagreements on IDNO 
>history off the main GA list?  I'm quite sure that these issues are much 
>better discussed on the IDNO's own list(s?).
>Also, this may help to avoid further fruitless discussions on who has a 
>right to feel insulted by whom.

Lieber Thomas,

Life of a list moderator is not as easy as that, I'm afraid.
You have to make actual decisions, based on the facts of who remains civil 
and who does not, who violates decorum and who does not--and, most 
difficult of all, who speaks the truth, and who does not. Even polite 
slander is slander.
Please think about this a bit more.

If you do not have the time to do this (which I can understand--your are 
not paid a judge's salary) you must allow each listmember to judge for 
This can mean unsubscribing (which as chair you should try to prevent), 
filtering, or voting to have a member removed from the Assembly.
Think about Kent Crispin's "better idea". The web based Polling Booth is at 
your disposal.
If you allow me to subscribe all GA members to a free voting 
service,(opt-in , of course)  with passwords for each voter, the GA can 
start to self-select its members, instead of putting that burden on you and 

I am willing to give the DNSO secretariat free access to the administration 
key of the software. http://www.democracy.org.nz/vote1/about.htm

Your above suggestion is well taken, but if it means that the issue of an 
Individual DN Holders constituency of the DNSO can no longer be civilly 
discussed thanks to the actions of a bully, who threatens with lies and 
abuse, then WWII has been fought for nothing.

The IDNO, like ICANN itself, is an experiment.
The lessons that can be learned from its history apply very much to any 
improvement of ICANN's accountability  and to finding the limitations to 
such improvement.

Do not stifle factual discussion, and if it means asking people who make 
accusations to substantiate those in public (or shut up and retract, on the 
pain of removal) then please do not hesitate to ask them so.

With only the best intentions,

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