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[del-com] Transferred from Bruce Tonkin

From: Bruce Tonkin
Sent: Tuesday, 6 May 2003 10:30 PM
To: 'Ross Wm. Rader'; 'ebroitman@register.com'; 'Cute, Brian';
'tim@godaddy.com'; 'tom@schlund.de'; 'Rick Wesson'; 'stahura@enom.com';
'rob@momentous.com'; 'Jordyn.Buchanan@Registrypro.com'
Cc: 'michael@palage.com'; 'Ken Stubbs'; 'jeff.neuman@neustar.us'; 'Louis
Touton'; 'halloran@icann.org'

Hello All,

I have carefully reviewed the deletes task force recommendations and the
comments provided by the ICANN staff.

I have produced the following draft deletes implementation report for
discussion.  It reflects my views as a registrar (ie not as GNSO chair, or
on behalf of the registrars constituency).   The implementation report is in
the same format as that used for the implementation reports for transfers
and WHOIS in January 2003.

I will schedule a teleconference for later this week to discuss, but would
welcome any comments prior to then.

I think it is important that the major registrars, and other registrars that
focus on policy development, review the report carefully.

Bruce Tonkin
Melbourne IT

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