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[council] Council transition

Hello All,

In response to some questions about transition arrangements for the council,
I have consulted with Louis Touton and also reviewed the transition by-laws 
(see below for an excerpt that relates to the council)

Here is a summary of what I personally expect to happen for your

(1) The GNSO is created from the current members of the Names Council
immediately after the ICANN Board meets in Amsterdam.  The current members
remain until either their terms from a constituency perspective end (e.g if
a current term of a constituency representative finishes in Apr 03 then the
constituency would appoint a new representative at that time), or until the
next ICANN AGM in 2003, whichever is the earlier date.  New members should
be elected by October 2003.

(2) The existing task forces remain the same unless a constituency chooses
to change a member, or the GNSO passes a resolution to change the task force
in some way.

(3) The ICANN budget will not support much funding for the GNSO in first
half of 2003, so our budget assumptions are still valid (ie the GNSO will
need to raise funding for first half of 2003).

(4) We can expect the nominating committee and GAC to add representatives to
GNSO early in 2003.  Constituencies need to nominate representatives to the
nominating committee, which in turn selects additional representatives to
the GNSO.

Bruce Tonkin



1. The Domain Name Supporting Organization shall cease operations upon the
adoption of this Transition Article, except that the Names Council of the
Domain Name Supporting Organization may act for the limited purpose of
authorizing the transfer of any funds it has collected to the benefit of the
Generic Names Supporting Organization.

2. The Generic Names Supporting Organization ("GNSO") shall commence
operations upon the adoption of this Transition Article, and the following
six DNSO constituencies shall automatically become constituencies of the
GNSO, initially under their existing charter:

	a. The commercial and business entities constituency of the DNSO
shall become the Commercial and Business Users constituency of the GNSO.

	b. The gTLD registries constituency of the DNSO shall become the
gTLD Registries constituency of the GNSO.

	c. The ISP and connectivity providers constituency of the DNSO shall
become the Internet Service and Connectivity Providers constituency of the

	d. The non-commercial domain name holders constituency of the DNSO
shall become the Non-Commercial Users constituency of the GNSO.

	e. The registrars constituency of the DNSO shall become the
Registrars constituency of the GNSO.

	f. The trademark, other intellectual property and
anti-counterfeiting interests constituency of the DNSO shall become the
Intellectual Property Interests constituency of the GNSO.

3. Notwithstanding the adoption or effectiveness of the New Bylaws, each
GNSO constituency described in paragraph 2 of this Section 5 shall continue
operating as before and no constituency official, task force, or other
activity shall be changed until further action of the constituency, provided
that each GNSO constituency shall submit to the ICANN Secretary a new
charter and statement of operating procedures, adopted according to the
constituency's processes and consistent with the New Bylaws, no later than
15 July 2003.

4. Until the conclusion of the ICANN annual meeting in 2003, the Council of
the GNSO shall consist of three representatives of each constituency of the
GNSO plus, upon their selection by the Nominating Committee, three persons
selected by that committee. Thereafter, the composition of the GNSO Council
shall be as provided in the New Bylaws, as they may be amended from time to
time, without regard to this Transition Article.

5. Upon the adoption of this Transition Article, the three representatives
on the Domain Name Supporting Organization ("DNSO") Names Council from each
of six DNSO constituencies shall be seated as representatives of
constituencies on the GNSO Council, as follows:

	a. The three representatives of the commercial and business entities
constituency of the DNSO shall be seated as representatives of the
Commercial and Business Users constituency of the GNSO.

	b. The three representatives of the gTLD registries constituency of
the DNSO shall be seated as representatives of the gTLD Registries
constituency of the GNSO.

	c. The three representatives of the ISP and connectivity providers
constituency of the DNSO shall be seated as representatives of the Internet
Service and Connectivity Providers constituency of the GNSO.

	d. The three representatives of the non-commercial domain name
holders constituency of the DNSO shall be seated as representatives of the
Non-Commercial Users constituency of the GNSO.

	e. The three representatives of the registrars constituency of the
DNSO shall be seated as representatives of the Registrars constituency of
the GNSO.

	f. The three representatives of the trademark, other intellectual
property and anti-counterfeiting interests constituency of the DNSO shall be
seated as representatives of the Intellectual Property Interests
constituency of the GNSO.

6. The terms of the GNSO Council members described in paragraph 5 of this
Section 5 shall conclude at the conclusion of the ICANN annual meeting in
2003. Any vacancy occurring in a position on the GNSO Council before that
time shall be filled by the constituency which the vacant position
represents for the remainder of the term lasting until the conclusion of the
ICANN annual meeting in 2003.

7. Promptly after the adoption of this Transition Article, the Generic Names
Supporting Organization shall, through the GNSO Council, make selections of
Directors to fill Seats 13 and 14 on the New Board, with terms to conclude
upon the commencement of the first regular terms specified for each of those
Seats in Article VI, Section 8(1)(d) and (e) of the New Bylaws, and shall
give the ICANN Secretary written notice of its selections. 

8. In the absence of further action by the New Board, each of the GNSO
constituencies shall select two representatives to the GNSO Council no later
than 1 October 2003, and shall provide the ICANN Secretary written notice of
its selections. Each constituency shall designate one of those
representatives to serve a one-year term, and one to serve a two year-term.
Each successor to those representatives shall serve a two-year term.

9. Upon the adoption of this Transition Article, and until further action by
the ICANN Board, the GNSO Council shall assume responsibility for the DNSO
General Assembly e-mail announcement and discussion lists. 

10. Each of the constituencies identified in paragraph 5 of this Section 5
that are designated to select a delegate to the Nominating Committee under
Article VII, Section 2 of the New Bylaws shall promptly, upon adoption of
this Transition Article, notify the ICANN Secretary of the person(s)
selected to serve as delegates.

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