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[council] [Clarification] NO CROSS POSTING practices on the DNSO server

[ To: ga@dnso.org ]
[ To: council@dnso.org ]

1 May 2001.

This is the summary of NO CROSS POSTING practices implemented
on the DNSO server.

A. NO CROSS POSTING Rules - implementation for the DNSO GA lists
    (Main List and Specific Purposes Lists):

   1. The no cross posting apply to ALL GA lists as well as
      several well known other lists.
   2. The end user (and maths) perspective prevails: if a person
      subscribe to List-One, but NOT to List-Two, he/she does not
      wish to get an e-mail from List-Two.
   3. It was suggested each list to appoint a "rapporteur"
      to provide periodic updates to the Main List.

B. NO CROSS POSTING Rules - implementation for NC WGs lists:

   1. The no cross posting apply to ALL WGs lists.
   2. The end user (and maths) perspective prevails: if a person
      subscribe to List-One, but NOT to List-Two, he/she does not
      wish to get an e-mail from List-Two.
   3. Each WGs has two Co-Chairs, one from the NC and one elected
      by the group. The NC Co-Chair acts as liaison with the NC.

C. POSTING Rules for the NC lists
    (Main List and Specific Purposes Lists):

   1. Only the NC members, DNSO Secretariat and Scribe, ICANN Board
      and Staff, and the GA Chair and Alternate Chair are allowed
      to post to the Names Council lists.
   2. The NC Working Groups shall communicate with the NC through
      "liaison co-Chair", who is the NC member.
   3. The GA shall communicate with the NC through Chair or Alternate
   4. The NC may decide to adapt these posting rules at any time.

D. POSTING Rules for the special purpose announce@dnso.org list:

   1. Only the DNSO Secretariat may write to announce@dnso.org list.

   1. In summary: more CC and To, less chances it gets to any of list.
   2. If somebody is member to many lists and wishes to share some
      topic with any of them he/she shall write to all of them separately.

DNSO Secretariat

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